
  • Understanding

    No one can fight harder for you than you. We know that the legal system can be overwhelming to women that have never been held in the clutches of the justice system. We assist women in learning and understanding the processes of the legal system.

  • Support

    We know some of the best lawyers may never become lawyers because of their criminal record. However everyday jailhouse lawyers make more progress in defense cases than their uncaged counterparts. Therefore we are proud to support jailhouse lawyers.

  • Freedom

    We are proud to share that we have participated in our Annual Mother’s Day Bailout in Partnership with NBO and Dignity Power since 2019. We look forward to reuniting more women with their families each and every year.

  • Solidarity

    Our focus is our sisters in federal prison. However we also support women in state and local jails in states where we have chapters. Those are currently in Florida and Texas.